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Welcome to Kalara Borneo, where our commitment to sustainability transforms landscapes and agricultural practices. Born from the vision of moving beyond monoculture, we champion the transition to agroforestry—a paradigm that harmonizes agriculture and forestry for a more resilient and ecologically balanced future.

At Kalara Borneo, we believe in cultivating not just crops but a symbiotic relationship between nature and agriculture. Our journey from monoculture to agroforestry signifies a profound shift in our approach, emphasizing diversity, conservation, and long-term environmental health.

We stand at the forefront of this transformative movement, working hand in hand with farmers, communities, and partners who share our passion for sustainable practices. Through agroforestry, we aim to rejuvenate ecosystems, enhance biodiversity, and promote soil health, all while ensuring the prosperity of those who depend on the land for their livelihoods.

From Monoculture to Agroforestry

Our Vision & Mission

Showcasing Local Products from Borneo to the World

"Preserving Local Culture through High-Value Processed Products from Borneo's Natural Resources"

"Creating Closer Market Access for Local Communities and Bridging the Gap to International Markets"

"Enhancing the Local Economy through Fair and Environmentally Sustainable Business Partnerships"

Kalara Borneo is a brand dedicated to transforming non-timber forest products from the Kalimantan rainforest into high-quality goods. We collaborate directly with local communities, especially indigenous peoples and farmers, to unlock the potential of natural resources in the remote areas of the Kalimantan rainforest.

Our presence serves as a catalyst for the creation of value-added downstream products from underutilized natural resources that are often overlooked or wasted in the forest or abandoned gardens. This is primarily due to a lack of knowledge about processing raw materials and an unawareness of market access by the local communities. These resources, with the right processing, can yield high-value products with health benefits.

Currently, Kalara offers authentic products that allow consumers to explore the exotic flavors of Kalimantan.

Greetings From Founders

- Graduated from University of Liverpool in Enterprenuership master program.

- 5 years of experience in commodity supply chain

Yohana Tamara

Founder - CEO

- Graduated from BINUS in Design Communication Visual Bachelor program.

= 5 years experience in creative marketing design

Paulus Ohio

Co-Founder - CCO

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Embark on a delectable journey with our Borneo-inspired products! Immerse yourself in the rich and authentic flavors of Borneo as we bring you a culinary experience like no other. Our products are a celebration of the original tastes that define Borneo's unique heritage. From the exotic spices to the lush tropical ingredients, each bite tells a story of tradition and authenticity. Join us in exploring the original taste of Borneo, where every product is a flavorful tribute to the vibrant culture and natural abundance of this enchanting region. Indulge your senses and savor the true essence of Borneo in every delicious creation

Exploring the Original Taste of Borneo

Mitra berharga kami di bidang agroforestri adalah landasan perjalanan berkelanjutan kami

Mitra Kami

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Rangkullah masa depan yang berkelanjutan bersama kami! Bergabunglah bersama dalam mewujudkan masa depan yang lebih hijau dan berketahanan melalui agroforestri. Berkolaborasilah dengan kami dalam memelihara lahan, menumbuhkan keanekaragaman hayati, dan menciptakan keseimbangan yang harmonis antara pertanian dan alam. Bersama-sama, mari kita tabur benih perubahan positif dan tumbuhkan ekosistem yang berkembang dan memberikan manfaat bagi manusia dan planet ini. Kolaborasi Anda bukan sekadar investasi; ini merupakan komitmen terhadap dunia yang lebih hijau dan berkelanjutan

Berkolaborasi Dengan Kami

Address: Pontianak, Kalimantan Barat, Indonesia

Phone: +62 815-2868-8810


Kalara Borneo merupakan sebuah merek yang mengolah hasil alam hutan non-kayu Kalimantanmenjadi sebuah produk berkualitas. berkolaborasi langsung dengan masyarakat lokal khususnya masyarakat adat dan petani untuk bisa mengembangkan potensi alam yang ada di pedalaman wilayah hutan hujan tropis Kalimantan.

Dari Monokultur hingga Agroforestri

Tentang kami

Showcasing Local Products from Borneo to the World

"Preserving Local Culture through High-Value Processed Products from Borneo's Natural Resources"

"Creating Closer Market Access for Local Communities and Bridging the Gap to International Markets"

"Enhancing the Local Economy through Fair and Environmentally Sustainable Business Partnerships"

Our Vision & Mission

Kalara Borneo is a brand dedicated to transforming non-timber forest products from the Kalimantan rainforest into high-quality goods. We collaborate directly with local communities, especially indigenous peoples and farmers, to unlock the potential of natural resources in the remote areas of the Kalimantan rainforest.

Our presence serves as a catalyst for the creation of value-added downstream products from underutilized natural resources that are often overlooked or wasted in the forest or abandoned gardens. This is primarily due to a lack of knowledge about processing raw materials and an unawareness of market access by the local communities. These resources, with the right processing, can yield high-value products with health benefits.

Currently, Kalara offers authentic products that allow consumers to explore the exotic flavors of Kalimantan.

Greetings From Founders

- Graduated from University of Liverpool in Enterprenuership master program.

- 5 years of experience in commodity supply chain

Yohana Tamara

Founder - CEO

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- Graduated from BINUS in Design Communication Visual Bachelor program.

= 5 years experience in creative marketing design

Paulus Ohio

Co-Founder - CCO

  • LinkedIn
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Mulailah perjalanan menyenangkan dengan produk kami yang terinspirasi dari Kalimantan! Benamkan diri Anda dalam cita rasa Kalimantan yang kaya dan otentik saat kami menghadirkan pengalaman kuliner yang tiada duanya. Produk kami merupakan perayaan cita rasa asli yang mendefinisikan warisan unik Kalimantan. Dari rempah-rempah eksotis hingga bahan-bahan tropis yang subur, setiap gigitan menceritakan kisah tradisi dan keaslian. Bergabunglah bersama kami dalam menjelajahi cita rasa asli Kalimantan, di mana setiap produk merupakan penghormatan terhadap kekayaan budaya dan kekayaan alam di wilayah yang mempesona ini. Manjakan indra Anda dan nikmati esensi Kalimantan yang sesungguhnya dalam setiap kreasi lezat

Menjelajahi Cita Rasa Asli Kalimantan

Mitra Kami

Mitra berharga kami di bidang agroforestri adalah landasan perjalanan berkelanjutan kami

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Rangkullah masa depan yang berkelanjutan bersama kami! Bergabunglah bersama dalam mewujudkan masa depan yang lebih hijau dan berketahanan melalui agroforestri. Berkolaborasilah dengan kami dalam memelihara lahan, menumbuhkan keanekaragaman hayati, dan menciptakan keseimbangan yang harmonis antara pertanian dan alam. Bersama-sama, mari kita tabur benih perubahan positif dan tumbuhkan ekosistem yang berkembang dan memberikan manfaat bagi manusia dan planet ini. Kolaborasi Anda bukan sekadar investasi; ini merupakan komitmen terhadap dunia yang lebih hijau dan berkelanjutan

Berkolaborasi Dengan Kami

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Phone: +62 815-2868-8810


Address: Pontianak, Kalimantan Barat, Indonesia

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